Dufey Donald
Disses Daring
Dolly Day
by Day
Daddy draws doors.
Bob boxed
big blue berries
on new bleached
beach blankets!
Which is the witch that wished the wicked wish ?
I don’t know which witch is which.
Willie Wilder
went wild
while we went
wading in the water.
Unique New York....
Unique New York.....
Unique New York..
Sunshine City
Six silver swans
swam silently seaward
to see sue
sell sea shells
by the sea shore
She sits
and shines
and sits
and shines.
She shuts
the Shop Shutters
So the Shopping
Shoppers can''t Shop.
Red riding hood
and robin hood
ride right
through the river
Pepperoni pizza
on a pink pattern
plate with parley
on the side
to your pleasure.
Thermophiles Thistle,
the successful thistle-sifter,
in sifting a sieve full
of UN-sifted thistles,
thrust three thousand thistles through
the thick of his thumb.
Whether the weather is hot.
Whether the weather is cold.
Whether the weather is either or not.
It is whether we like it or not.
Two witches bought
two wrist watches,
But which witch wore
which wrist watch?
Silly Sally sings
songs sweetly
while sitting
on the steaming sidewalk
when the sizzling summer
sun was shining.
Red Leather
Yellow Leather
Yellow Leather....
Say this sharply, say this sweetly,
Say this shortly, say this softly.
Say this sixteen
times in succession.
The seething
seas ceaseth
and twiceth the seething
seas sufficeth us.