As The Festive Dinner Is Laid, And
With Rich Aromas The Air Is Replete,
It Is Only By Offering Heartfelt
Thanks To The Lord That The Family
Thanksgiving Celebrations Are Complete.
On Thanksgiving And Always,
May You And Your Loved Ones
Savor All That Is Rich,
may The Festivities Come Alive
With The Cornucopia Of Hope,
Faith And Goodwill
Happy Thanksgiving.
God, Thanks For Giving Me Wisdom
And Bliss, I Know That Without
You I Couldn’t Do Anything.
Thank You God For All The
Good That Has Happened In My Life.
Thanks For This
And Thanks For That,
Thanks For The Known
And Thanks For The Unknown,
Thanks For The Things Loved
And For The Unloved Thanks
Thanks Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving!
A special greeting of Thanksgiving
Time to express to you our sincere appreciation
for your confidence and loyalty.
We are deeply thankful
and extend to you our best wishes
for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day!
Thanksgiving is a time when the world gets to see just
how blessed and how workable the Christian system is.
The emphasis is not on giving or buying,
but on being thankful and expressing
that appreciation to God and to one another.
As the leaves turn gold and yellow
The air turns crisp Thanksgiving comes,
a time to remember Our blessings
and make good cheer with all those
who are so dear
Wishing you a thanksgiving
As special as you are.
This Year,
I Think We Need To Return
To The Values Of The First Thanksgiving,
A Return To Reflection, a Return
To Appreciation For What We Have,
A Return To Thanks. We Must Give
Thanks For All The Blessings We Enjoy.
Whatever is beautiful,
Whatever is meaningful,
Whatever brings you happiness...
May it be yours forever!
May the good things of life
be yours in abundance
not only at Thanksgiving
but throughout the coming year.
Thank everyone you know.
Thank your parents,
your siblings,
your love
all your friends and relatives.
Be thankful because it's the fall season.
This thanksgiving may your home be
filled with the Lord loving presence
abounding in the fullness of HIS joy
and the gift of His peace
as you reflect upon the blessings
he has bestowed upon you.
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
May ur stuffing b tasty
May ur turkey plump,
May ur potatoes & gravy
May ur yams b delicious
& ur pies take da prize,
& may ur Thnksgiving dinner
Stay off ur thighs!
On Thnksgiving Day we're thnkful 4
your blessings all year through
4 family we dearly love,
4 good frnds, old & new.
There have been times when I forgot to thank you for being there for me.
I take this day to tell you how special you are and how great my life has become because of you.
Have a memorable Thanksgiving!.
May the best things in life be yours, not only this Thanksgiving but throughout the years. Happy Thanksgiving Day.
We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish and for the blessings that will come. Happy Thanksgiving!.
A very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating all there is to be thankful for!.
May all the good things of life be yours,
not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.
It’s a gift to be able to give many thanks
For the small things in your life,
For the kind words and smiles.
Be always Thankful.