As We Celebrate Labor Day, We Honor The Men And Women Who Fought Tirelessly For Workers' Rights, Which Are So Critical To Our Strong And Successful Labor Force. Happy Labor Day!.
May day is the day to salute the hard work and dedication of strong willed souls around us. Happy Labor Day.
A very good wish and greetings
to all the workers
throughout the world on this may day
Workers deserve more than a single celebration a year as there is no day in which they do not give their best. Take this opportunity to feel very proud for your hard work. Happy International Workers' Day!.
Let’s celebrate the labor
That built up this great land
From field to field to desk to desk
They built it hand in hand.
Happy Labor Day
No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. Happy Labor Day.
Property is the fruit of labor;
property is desirable;
it is a positive good in the world.
My Best wishes On Labor Day.
Labor Day is the time to enjoy the fruits of your hard work & labor. It is the time to relax & enjoy a comfortable day after working hard to finish your duties. Happy Labor Day.
The highest pleasure to be got out of freedom,
and having nothing to do, is labor.
Happy Labor Day.
Dignify and glorify common labor. It is at the bottom of life that we must begin, not at the top. Happy Labor Day.
Labor disgraces no man;
you occasionally find men
who disgrace labor.
Labor Day is a day for relaxation and merriment.
Let the day ahead be full of joy and happiness.
Wishing all workers a Happy Labor's Day.
A bad day at work is better than a good day in hell.
As We Celebrate Another International Worker's Day,
It Is Time To Honor And Celebrate The Work Of Every Person.
Who Has Taken A Step Forward In Making Our Country A Better Place To Live In.
Wishing You A Very Happy & Blessed International Worker's Day.
सफलता के मार्ग में योगदान अनमोल हैं
चाहे हो मालिक या कोई नौकर
कोई ईकाई तुच्छ नहीं
सबका अपना मान हैं
कहने को एक छोटा लेबर ही सही
पर उसी को रास्ते का ज्ञान हैं
घमंड ना करना इस ऊंचाई का कभी
तेरे कंधो पर इनके पसीने का भार हैं
मजदुर दिवस
मजदूर अपना कर्म करता जरूर हैं
इसलिए देश को उस पर गुरूर हैं
मज़दूर दिवस की शुभकामनायें
मजदुर ऊँचाई की नींव हैं
गहराई में हैं पर अंधकार में क्यूँ
उसे तुच्छ ना समझाना
वो देश का गुरुर हैं
किसी को क्या बताये कि कितने मजबूर हैं हम
बस इतना समझ लीजिये कि मजदूर हैं हम
हाथो में लाठी हैं
मजबूत उसकी कद-काठी हैं
हर बाधा वो कर देता हैं दूर
दुनिया उसे कहती हैं मजदूर
अमीरी में अक्सर अमीर अपनी सुकून को खोता हैं
मजदूर खा के सूखी रोटी बड़े आराम से सोता हैं