They say forgive and forget,
but if someone is worth forgiving
then you will never forget them.
U mAy tHiNk thAt TiMe MaKeS pEoPLe fOrgEt..
BuT tHe LoNgEr thE TimE
pEoPLe SpEnD aPaRt,
thE mOrE iT MakEs tHEm REMEMBER eAcH oThEr…
Staying near never builds relation,
Its a link between hearts,
Which never allows us to forget each other.!!
Remember me like a pressed flower in your notebook it may not Be having any fragrance but will remind U of my existence forever in Ur life..
“Forget who hurt you yesterday, but don’t forget
who loves you tenderly today.”
“You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for
Let all my smile be yours
All your tears be mine,
Let all my happiness be yours
All your sadness be mine,
Let the whole world be yours,
Only you be mine
Do not forget me……….
This is a moon which learns from you,
That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here… It’s me who live for you.
forget me not plz……
Distances never separate any relation,
time never breaks any relation.
If feelings r true from heart,
then friends r always friends forever!
So never tried to forget the loved once..
Love: Why does it hurt? Why does it pain?
may be because we love someone too much & too deep that sometime,
we forget to keep a little for ourselves !!!
Your presence we miss,
your memories we treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.
When a person can find ur sorrows behind ur smile,
Words behind ur silence
Love behind ur anger,
u can believe U have found ur best Friend…..
So remember the precious friend
People Meet By Chance !!
they Spend Sweet Times 2gether.
then God Apart Them
Not 2 End The Story,
But 2 C How Much they Need Each Other.
Plz not forget me.
I may have forgotten to say that I care.
I may have failed to open up and share,
but though no words have been spoken,
my promise of friendship won’t be broken.
They Say Its Difficult 2 WAIT 4 Sm1!
they Say Its Difficult 2 FORGET Sm1!
But..the Most Difficult Thing Is 2 Decide Whether 2 WAIT Or 2 FORGET Sm1!!
Since The Day I Met You ……..
I’ve Been Thinking About You Non Stop ..!!
On The Time Right Time , I Want You To Know I LIKE YOU A LOT
So remember me as loved one.
Years meets many days,
friends meet any days,
lover meets special days,
when we meet its festival days.
Please bear in mind all the trouble we’ve been through,
The good times, the hardships, the places we’ve been to,
I wish that my memory would stay with you forever,
I know I will never forget you!
Never forget the times we had together.
I have surfed the highest waves of bliss with you
A walk as strong as walk could have been,
Your smile as beautiful as ever can be.
Our times went by, we had our laughs,
Please don’t forget our valuable past.
I want you to never forget,
The way we were, the way you felt.
I will always reside in your heart, don’t you fear,
Whenever you need me, I will be near.