“This fight against drilling in the Arctic Refuge is a fight about our principles. It’s about standing up for our environment, our families and our future, and I won’t give up this fight.”
A fire scene is very fragile,
especially in a tropical environment.
You’ve got to get to the
evidence before the heat,
wind and rain do.”
The World Environment Day 2020 slogan is
“Forest: Nature at your service”.
Let The Peace Of Nature Flow In Your Life….. On World Environment Day And Always !
Have A Great Environment Day
Happy Environment Day 2020
Care For The Environment And You Care Not Only For Yourself But For The Entire Universe And All That Is A Part Of It.
Happy World Environment Day
Keep Your World Clean And Green.
Save Trees,Save The Environment!!
Clean City,Green City!!
There Is A Pleasure In The Pathless Woods
There Is A Rapture On The Lonely Shore
There Is Society, Where None Intrudes
By The Deep Sea, And Music In Its Roar
I Love Not Man The Less, But Nature More
Today Is Your Chance To
Think And Beware Save
Our Earth And Your Kids
Will Have A Piece Of
Land To Grow Up And
Share Happy Earths Day.
People everywhere
breathe the same air,
share the same seas,
live together on the land.
who learn, plan,
work, care,
save the earth.
Do Plantation
And You Will Get
Much Greenery
Happy Environment Day
It will cost 38 trillion dollars to create oxygen for 6 months for all human beings on earth.
Mother Earth Is Highly Worth.
Plant Trees, Make Garden And
Prove That You Care For
Mother Earth.
Happy Earth Day.
Earth Does Not Belong To
Us, We Belong To The Earth.
Take Care Of The Mother
Nature She Has Given Us
Birth. Happy Earth Day.
Save Earth, Live Better.
You Will Get Much
If We Use Up Everything Today,
What Will Be Left For Us Tomorrow?
What Will Help Us Adapt And Survive
The Changes On Earth? Well, Today
Is Not Too Late Yet To Do Our Part.
Take That Little Step To Save
What Is Left Of Earth One By One.
Our forefathers preserved the nature for us to enjoy.
Now we owe it to future generations and keep the environment intact for them to enjoy it.
Happy World Environment Day!
The nature is our silent friend and family.
It protects us if we protect it.
Care For The Environment
And You Care Not Only For Yourself
But For The Entire Universe
And All That Is A Part Of It.
Happy World Environment Day.
Grow one plant on your birthday to just become the part of evergren.
Dig one plant on your house that can create the enviornment of your home fresh.
Pour boiled rice water on plant as it is more nutrtional and perfect for plants.
Do it because they are also living beings who breathe like us.
grow trees,save life.
And there won't be anything beautiful left to enjoy if we don't conserve our environment.
Let's do the little things daily to make our lives joyful!